About Me

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States


Trader Joe's Treasure!

Woke up slow this morning, not anxious to get started on my STUDAY (day of studying.) With eyes barely open, my radiant roommate, Haley, knocked on my door and proceeded to enter to ask if I would like to join her in a adventure to the miraculous Trader Joe's. My eyes lit at the opportunity and I got ready to hit the road without even a smidgen of coffee before we left. I bet you're wondering where this is going... what did I get you ask?? 

I got some lettuce, some apples, some yogurt covered pretzels, a French baguette and... drumroll please... 

Yes you read me right! COOKIE butter! Nope, no nuts involved. It is but a glorious spread of gingerbread cinnamon cookie wonder goodness. You can't know until you've tried it! I must admit, this Speculoos Cookie Butter is competing with Nutella for my affection. It also comes in a nice glass jar that I will be saving when the butter is dare I say ... gone... (my guess would be 1-2 days despite the fact that a jar contains 27 servings ☺)

No one is going to argue that this is a healthy snack.. but sometimes you just have to eat what is good for your soul! And the label does suggest you try it on celery, although, that doesn't sound very appealing to me.

Other things the jar suggests:
  • spread on pancakes or waffles 
  • peanut butter & cookie sandwiches
  • serve on ice cream (I also had this idea... that could be absolutely fantastic)
  • dip pretzels (also sounds good)
What I have tried so far:
  • eat from spoon (highly recommended)
  • spread on bread (recommended)
  • spread on warm toast (highly recommended)
  • dip graham crackers (eh... not that good)

My new motto (courtesy of the cashier at Trader Joe's): 

"It's always good to have a jar of cookie butter in your house."

To find more, see The Trader Joe's Website


Long Time No See

So it's been a while since my last post... but I was inspired by a few things I saw today! I clicked on a link (can't quite remember why) on the side of my facebook page and came to this AWESOME website that seems to gather things that I love into a central consumer site of awesomeness. 
Here it is modcloth.com

Here are some of the things that drew me in...

A dinosaur neckalce AND a whale necklace! 
At this point I was thinking "WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!"

A frog ring? Uh.. YES PLEASE!
Your bathroom can't get much more fun than a whale bathmat!
 LOOVE it! I want it all :)

Peace out broskis


Kath's Tribute to Oatmeal

Kath's Tribute to Oatmeal
This link will take you to the most glorious place full of hope and wonder! Oatmeal everywhere you turn! Beautious. 


For Christmas, a very special friend of mine Alyssa Vah, got me the 100% Official Justin Bieber autobiography. Oh let the fun begin.
 Love JBiebs. Here's a few quotes from the book:

"A certain amount of success with the opposite sex comes down to the simple concept: don't be a jerk."

"Nothing ever got my pulse racing (in a good way) like hockey. Well, nothing except Beyonce, but that wasn't until I was twelve or so. Then, all of a sudden, it was like I opened my eyes one day and noticed that the world is full of beautiful girls, and I've had a hard time thinking about anything else ever since."

"I bet 95% of sixteen-year-old guys would admit to thinking forty-five girl-related thoughts every three minutes (the other 5% would be lying)".

"A group of girls. Beautiful girls. Screaming. For me. Holy Crap! I got up there and sang my little eighth-grade butt off, thinking this was possibly the greatest moment of my entire life - of anyone's life - better than hockey, better than Star Wars, better than Grandma's turkey and gravy."

"Mom ironed a blue dress shirt for me and helped me do the knot on a sharp blue necktie, which was made for a grown man, so it was longer than I was tall."

AND the book cover becomes a poster. Yeah. That's right!


Whales and Comfy Cloth

Whales are a great collectible animal. Not ACTUAL whales! That would be incredibly difficult! I mean whale themed items.. like these!

Those are tissue boxes! Ha! So fun!

Everything is okay when you got a whale by your side! We learned that life lesson in Finding Nemo!

Another think I love is comfy clothes and big sweaters (especially when they are from Anthropologie)
side note: I'm taking a medical anthropology class next quarter. It has to be fun, right?

It all makes me feel so comfy cozy in this cold weather!
I also am going through a serious phase with these Native American type patterns. I don't know what they this style is called or if it has anything to do with Native Americans, but I love it!!!


Happy December

Today is December 1st and after a loooooong day of nonstop rain yesterday, today's gift to Cincinnati is a flurry of snow :) What a wonderful way to wake up to a wonderful month! AND I just realized I get to start my advent chocolate calendar today! So much to celebrate! Advent chocolate calendars are so great. Every day of the month of December you open up a square door and receive a piece of chocolate for the day! On the one I have now, you have to search for the day! Very exciting! And now starts the most wonderful month of the year! Happy holidays and happy birthday to me! Spread the cheer!

Ban on Four Loko and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Four Loko's have been in the news a lot lately, and they were recently banned in Ohio. Though it's probably best for all, some college students beg to disagree. To capture a bit of this frustration, I drew a little picture.

Hey! Someone put a ban on four loko!

2010's Victoria's Secret fashion show did not disappoint (other than the fact that Miranda Kerr did not walk considering she's pregnant.) Katy Perry performed wonderfully as usual. The show was fun and fab as usual. The wings were big and ridiculous as usual. Overall it was a good time. I personally liked the country portion of the show and Katy Perry's performing/interacting with the models. The "game on" part was also very entertaining by representing different sports in underwear. ALL of which took place on a perfectly glittery runway! 

Check out the soccer ball attire. Nice huh?

Looks like we got a Cincinnati Reds fan!

 Yup. Bubble wings AND a bubble gun.

Her wings are actually a splash of water! Because she's a swimmer! Get it? Oh the creativity.

Ribbon dancing is a sport too of course!

Too much? Never.

The fact that Katy Perry can look good up there with all those models is quite an accomplishment.

Adriana Lima and Alessandria Ambrosio really know how to work a crowd, especially as they say farewell.